Welcome to the new and improved site!

Life On Milo’s Farm is now it’s own .com! Life on Milo’s Farm blog started as a writing venture that has now turned into it’s own .com! With this there will be more content, more recipes, and more Australian homesteading stories for you to devour!

Hi you guys! Welcome to the new and improved site!

I know this all looks the same on the front end – the part you can see – but here in the sneaky crevices of the internet I have migrated over to a self serving hosting! lifeonmilosfarm has it’s own .com!

I finally made the decision to become self-hosted. It wasn’t a hard decision but it was definitely rooted in a bit of anxiety about whether I would have the tenacity to continue.

After years and multiple blogs that didn’t work, this one will because I finally found my niche. And it was staring me in the face the whole time.

I used GoDaddy and so far the experience has been seamless and easy. I migrated over from a wordpress.com. free blog and other than the followers not migrating (those I had through wordpress.com Reader) everything else transitioned over easily.

You may now find the main page is a static page, with all the categories listed. I chose this layout so that new readers could find categories and topics easily without getting lost in blog posts on a main blog page.

I also have the 3 most recent posts, which is obviously always changing as I am always writing!

At the end of the page is a socials link, and there will be more information coming soon on the expansion of my business. For now though, Homestead Soapery has a link in the top right header if you’d like to see what I do over there!

I hope you continue to enjoy the blog and now that the site has been backed up and secured, be ready for the awesome content coming!

improved site, Life on Milo's Farm - An Australian Homestead, new and improved site
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