Setting up your homestead for success: 20 guaranteed tips to thrive!

setting up your homestead for success - 20 guaranteed tips to thrive - life on milo's farm

Setting up a successful homestead is easy with the right skills and attitude. Follow these 20 guaranteed tips to thrive!

Setting up your homestead for success is essential for creating a sustainable and thriving lifestyle. It requires careful planning and hard work, but once you have a good routine, it is without a doubt the most rewarding lifestyle and one that will bring you lots of joy.

I’ve said it many times on this blog but being part of the homesteading community means being part of a lifestyle ideology with a spectrum of communities, beliefs, values and ideologies. You don’t need to do all the things to be a homesteader. You can do only 1-2 things and still be called a homesteader. The point is that in general you have a preference for living your life a certain way.

Some people become homesteaders because the values and ideologies align with their world view. Things such as homeschooling and cooking/growing/raising food/meat from scratch, food security and self-sufficiency are popular themes within many homesteading communities, with the advantage being that you don’t have to satisfy every one of those to be part of the homesteading gang.

setting up your homestead for success, life on milo's farm, log cabin

Others may still need to (or chose to) work a full-time job off the homestead for a variety of reasons. Having a thriving homestead to come home to takes their mind off work related stressors and is a good way to decompress at the end of a long day or week.

With all that said, there are often lots of different ways people utilize their homesteads. Whether it’s just for pleasure or to eventually make an income off of, there are many ways you can setup your homestead for success so that it provides you with the ability to thrive.

This post is looking at the top 20 guaranteed tips to help your homestead (and by default, you!) to succeed and thrive. Some of them may seem like common knowledge, but they are still an important factor to consider when doing all you can to turn your homestead into your dream.

Define your goals and priorities

Before starting, it is important to determine what you want to achieve with your homestead. Start by making a list of all these goals and priorities so you can work on itemising them and breaking them down into manageable tasks.

Once you have identified your goals and priorities, you can start thinking about the specific tasks that need to be completed. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Create a homestead plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines all the tasks that need to be completed, including short-term and long-term goals. This will help you stay organized and focused as you work towards achieving your goals.
  • Prioritize your tasks: Once you have a plan in place, prioritize the tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.
  • Start small: Homesteading can be overwhelming, especially if you are just starting out. To avoid feeling discouraged, start with small tasks that are easy to accomplish. As you gain confidence and experience, you can gradually take on more challenging tasks.

Remember, homesteading is a journey, not a destination. Take your time, enjoy the process, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.

Assess your land and resources

Conduct a thorough evaluation of your land and available resources such as water supply, soil quality, and climate. This will help you identify the best practices for your homestead.

These days there are lots of different resources to pull from. You can order DIY self-test soil kits for home, or hire a local permaculture expert who understands your area and your land type to give you tips about how to setup a good foundation for your homestead.


  • Check the topography of your land to identify areas that are prone to flooding or erosion. This will help you plan for drainage and prevent soil loss.
  • Consider the amount of sunlight your land receives throughout the day, as this can affect what types of crops will grow best.
  • Test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. This information will help you adjust your soil management practices and choose the best fertilizers for your crops.
  • Research the local climate and weather patterns in your area. This will help you plan for droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events that may impact your homestead.
  • Evaluate your water supply to determine how much water you have available for irrigation, livestock, and other needs. This will help you plan for water conservation and management.

Plan your infrastructure

If you’ve done any research on permaculture, (or plan to!) then I recommend you mud map your property and divide it into zones. This will help you plan a little bit better and also, will assist with dissecting all the planned projects into segments that you can tackle.

I recommend you plan the layout of your homestead, including the location of your home, garden, livestock areas, and other structures such as barns and storage sheds.

After you’ve done that, then you can narrow your focus onto one section. Recently we had a burn off in the ‘chicken area’ of the property. In this area, we have an approximately 60x80m section where the two chicken coops and the poultry netting are. There is also a small, powered shed that we want to use as a gardening, planting and chicken area. Our plans for this are to make a food forest type garden so we can rotate the chickens throughout, but also develop an area where we can enjoy spending time in, either sitting or walking around.

To start, we first cleared all the saplings and dead trees, took out any weeds and rotten logs and burned them off. The next stage is to extend the shed area – by this we mean create some lean-to’s on all sides so we can have undercover areas where we can work when doing anything garden or chicken related.

The stage that will come alongside or just after that will be setting the black plastic down, and mapping the fire pit and garden spots. And then finally starting to work up the fire pit area and start planting out into the garden.

Of course, the garden will be a forever changing thing, so that is at the end of the project. But ideally I want to setup the infrastructure in such a way that it is easy to maintain going forward, and also gives us a place to enjoy outside.

setting up your homestead for success, life on milo's farm, fire pit

Other major themes you need to consider when planning infrastructure include:

Climate: Take into account the climate of your region and plan your garden and livestock areas accordingly. If you live in a hot and dry area, you may need to focus on drought-resistant plants and animals that can thrive in such conditions.

Soil quality: Consider the quality of the soil on your property and plan your garden accordingly. You may need to amend the soil with compost or other organic materials to improve its quality and fertility.

Sun exposure: Pay attention to the amount of sunlight that different areas of your property receive throughout the day. This can help you determine which areas are best suited for a garden or for raising certain types of livestock.

Water supply: Make sure you have a reliable source of water for your homestead, whether it’s a well or a municipal water supply. You may also want to consider rainwater harvesting or other methods of water conservation.

Zoning and regulations: Check with your local zoning authority to make sure you’re following any regulations or restrictions on the use of your property. You may also need to obtain permits for certain structures or activities on your homestead.

By taking these factors into account, you can create a thoughtful and functional layout for your homestead infrastructure that will help you achieve your goals for self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Create a sustainable garden

Grow your own food by creating a sustainable garden. Start by choosing the right plants for your climate and soil type and implementing organic gardening practices.

Not only is creating a sustainable garden a great way to grow your own food, but it also has numerous environmental benefits. I know that many blogs will say only plant what you eat/like, and I used to think that too.

person watering the plants

But recently alongside my research of fruit tree guilds and companion planting in permaculture, I’ve softened to that perspective and believe that even if you don’t eat something, it doesn’t mean it won’t be beneficial to your garden in some way.

Here are a few additional tips to consider as you start planning and planting your garden:

  • Compost your food scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
  • Utilize rainwater by installing a rain barrel to collect water for your plants. This conserves water and reduces your environmental impact.
  • Plant native species to support local wildlife, promote biodiversity, and reduce the need for pesticides.
  • Consider incorporating companion planting techniques, where certain plants are planted together for mutual benefits, such as pest control or increased nutrient absorption.

By following these sustainable gardening practices, not only will you be able to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, but you’ll also contribute to a healthier environment.

Raise livestock

If you plan to raise livestock, consider the types of animals that are best suited for your homestead and the amount of space and resources needed to care for them.

Another thing you need to determine is what is the purpose of these livestock. You may be looking to raise livestock for meat, for breeding purposes or to sell on. Whatever the case make sure you have the right facilities and space for them.

Our local council for example, only allows 1 sow on 3 acres of land. Therefore, if you wanted to raise pigs, it wouldn’t be viable on a smaller acreage lot less than 5 acres due to council regulations.

Here are some additional tips and information that may be helpful as you plan to raise livestock on your homestead:

  • Research the different breeds of animals that may be best suited for your homestead based on your location, climate, and available resources. For example, if you live in a hot and dry climate, you may want to consider raising goats or sheep, which are more resilient to those conditions.
  • Depending on the type of animals you plan to raise, you may need to build or invest in specific housing or fencing to keep them safe and contained. For example, if you plan to raise chickens, you will need a secure coop to keep them from predators.
  • Consider the amount of time and effort you will need to dedicate to caring for your animals, including feeding, watering, cleaning, and providing medical care when necessary. Some animals require more attention than others, so it’s important to choose animals that fit with your lifestyle and schedule.
  • If you plan to sell or use the products from your animals (such as meat, milk, or eggs), make sure you understand the regulations and requirements in your area. You may need to obtain permits or licenses, or follow specific guidelines for processing and selling your products.
  • Finally, consider the ethical implications of raising animals for food or other products. Make sure you are comfortable with the practices and standards you set for your own homestead, and be willing to make changes if necessary to ensure the well-being of your animals.

Whatever you decide, make sure the livestock you choose to raise is viable for your plans and fits in with your overall goals for the homestead.

Implement sustainable practices

Use sustainable practices such as composting, rainwater harvesting, and renewable energy sources to reduce your environmental impact and save resources.

In Australia, it is completely normal to be on tank water, or using bore water to harvest water for your homestead. There are also a number of properties nowhere near the grid and have been off-grid or using solar systems for electricity for years.

If your property is one of these, then you’re already halfway there. But if it isn’t, I would consider implementing these types of practices wherever you can to reduce your footprint and be more eco conscious.

setting up your homestead for success, life on milo's farm, water tank gravity fed

There are many more sustainable practices that you can implement to further reduce your environmental impact. Here are some additional ideas:

  • Reduce water usage: Install low-flow showerheads and faucets, fix leaks promptly, and turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Choose reusable products: Instead of disposable products, opt for reusable items such as cloth napkins, shopping bags, and water bottles.
  • Choose low tox, zero/low/no waste products: Make the switch to products that offer eco or no waste, or package their items in renewable packaging. I aim to use biodegradable packaging for all my soaps so that someone can dispose of it in an eco-friendly way (which could include using it for starting a fire, using it in compost or in the garden for example)
  • Eat locally and seasonally: By eating foods that are in season and grown locally, you can reduce the carbon emissions associated with shipping and transporting food from distant locations.
  • Support sustainable companies: When purchasing products, look for companies that prioritize sustainable practices and have a commitment to reducing their environmental impact.

Remember, every small step towards sustainability can make a difference in preserving our planet for future generations.

Build a support network

Homesteading can be challenging, so it is important to build a support network of like-minded individuals who can offer advice and support.

Having a support network when homesteading can make all the difference. If you’re new to homesteading or starting out in a community that is new to you, then you will very quickly learn that being alone or having no support is not the way you will succeed.

Shit will happen. There will be emergencies. You will need to use someone’s something in the middle of the night (paddock, trailer, shed etc).

Here are some tips on how to build a strong support system:

  • Attend local homesteading meetups and events to meet other like-minded individuals in your area.
  • Join online communities and forums related to homesteading where you can connect with people from all over the world and get advice and support.
  • Consider starting a homesteading group in your community. This can be a great way to meet people who share your interests and can offer local support.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family who may not be homesteaders themselves, but who are supportive and willing to lend a listening ear or a helping hand when needed.
  • Go and meet your neighbours. They are the people who you’ll turn to first before absolutely anybody.
  • Get involved in local SES groups if you like that thing. Knowing who has rescue skills or tools is a bonus, especially in a weather-related emergency.

Finally, remember that building a support network takes time and effort, but the benefits of having a strong community of like-minded individuals can be invaluable.

Research local regulations

Before you start building or making any changes to your property, make sure you are aware of any local regulations or zoning laws that may impact your plans.

Check with your city or county government for information on building codes, permits, and zoning laws. This information can usually be found on their website or by calling their office.

Some areas may have restrictions on the type of construction allowed, such as the height of buildings or the materials used. In our local council area, anything built greater than 3mx3m will need some type of permit from the council, but there are some caveats to that depending on building type and distance from your main residence. This is why it is important to check this information before any financial investment is made in the construction needed.

It’s important to understand the potential consequences of violating local regulations, which could include fines, legal action, or even having to tear down any unauthorized construction. We heard an instance once of someone removing trees that were listed by the council as restricted. When they deployed GIS mapping over their land and saw the removal of trees, they fined them significantly and then made them re-plant the entire number of trees they removed as consequence.

Keep in mind that regulations can vary widely depending on your location, so what is allowed in one area may not be allowed in another.

Start small

It can be tempting to want to do everything at once, but starting small and gradually expanding will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that you can properly care for everything.

The best way to manage getting everything you want is actually tip number 1: define your goals and priorities. By having defined goals and priorities, you can set specific projects that you want to achieve. In all goal setting processes the primary point says to achieve anything, it needs to be in manageable tasks. Breaking down a project into multiple steps helps to manage the work and budget and be able to swing in and out of that project based on competing priorities.

There’s a saying in the homesteading community that chickens are often the gateway animal when it comes to new homesteaders. I think that is somewhat accurate, in that they are easy, cheap and fun to start off with and provide lots of different benefits to new homesteads.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not everything will work for you, or you may not enjoy it. So don’t go making goat pens and milking stations if you don’t like goats!

To summarize:

  • Prioritize: Make a list of what needs to be done and prioritize the most important tasks first. This will help you focus on what is most urgent and ensure that you don’t miss anything important.
  • Set goals: Setting achievable goals can help you feel more focused and motivated. Start with small, achievable goals and work your way up to larger ones as you gain confidence.
  • Get organized: Organization is key to staying on top of everything. Make sure you have a system in place for keeping track of tasks, deadlines, and appointments.
  • Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks to avoid burnout. Make sure you schedule regular breaks throughout the day to help you stay refreshed and focused.

Remember, starting small is a great way to avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that you can properly care for everything. By following these tips, you can start small and build your way up to success.

Focus on soil health

Soil health is essential for growing healthy crops and maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Consider implementing practices such as cover cropping and crop rotation to improve your soil quality.

We are very big on deep mulching and using our own biochar for our gardens. Whenever we’ve used our own biochar in our garden we’ve had great results, either in yield or the development of the root structure.

I am also considering doing more hugelkultur this year as I plan to have more raised beds in the garden at this property. I recently wrote about hugelkultur and how it can kickstart your homestead garden and accomplish productivity.

person wearing green gloves

Here are some additional points to consider when focusing on soil health:

  • Soil testing: Before implementing any soil improvement practices, it’s important to conduct a soil test to determine the current nutrient levels and pH of your soil. This will help you identify any deficiencies or imbalances that need to be addressed.
  • Organic matter: Increasing the amount of organic matter in your soil can help improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability. Consider incorporating compost or other organic amendments into your soil.
  • Reduced tillage: Excessive tilling can disrupt soil structure and decrease soil organic matter. Consider reducing tillage, or switching to no-till or reduced-till methods, to help improve soil health.
  • Soil biology: A healthy soil ecosystem includes a diverse range of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms. These organisms help break down organic matter and make nutrients available to plants. Consider practices such as cover cropping and crop rotation to promote a healthy soil food web.

By focusing on soil health, you can improve the productivity and sustainability of your farm or garden, while also contributing to a healthier environment.

Be prepared

It’s always better to be prepared for any unexpected events that might happen in life. Preparedness is fundamental for homesteaders, and I do have a post outlining the basics and how you can start if startng from scratch.

When you live out in the bush, and far away from emergency services, you quickly realise how much more resilient you need to be. Your neighbours are your best allies and most likely the closest ones to you.

We have our fair share of weather emergencies all around Australia. From tropical cyclones in the north, sub-tropical floods in the middle, and fires in the south – there is never a shortage of weather disasters to cut your homesteading teeth on.

But what sets you apart from anyone else is how prepared you are to deal with that emergency, and what procedures you have in place. I have a post here on how to prepare for short term power outages to get you started.

Consider the following when making your preparedness plan:

  • Make a list of emergency phone numbers, including your local emergency services and utility companies.
  • Prepare a first aid kit with essential items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  • Keep a supply of food, water, and medication that can last for at least three days.
  • Store important documents like passports, insurance policies, and birth certificates in a waterproof and fire-resistant box.
  • Have a designated meeting place for your family in case you get separated during an emergency.

Remember, having a backup plan and emergency supplies can make all the difference in staying safe and secure during unexpected events.

Practice animal husbandry

Animal husbandry is a part of agriculture concerned with the breeding and care of farm animals. Many homesteaders raise meat for their own consumption because they want to have access to the cleanest possible meat for their families.

Caring for livestock requires knowledge and experience. But don’t let that stop you from getting involved especially if you don’t have the knowledge straight away. In my experience, there is always someone around your local community willing to show you or teach you. I recently spoke with my neighbour who is a beekeeper about teaching me the skill of beekeeping, and I hope to start that soon.

person holding white eggs on brown grass

Consider taking classes or finding a mentor to learn about animal husbandry and ensure that your animals are healthy and well-cared for. If you purchase your animals from a breeder specifically, ask them if they have some time to go through best practice or give you any tips. Again, I’ve always found any time you’re open and honest with someone they’re happy to share.

Here are some more basic tips to keep in mind as you learn and practice your animal husbandry:

  • Proper nutrition: Providing your livestock with a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial to their overall health and well-being. Be sure to research the specific dietary needs of the animals you are caring for and provide them with the appropriate feed.
  • Clean living conditions: Cleanliness is key when it comes to keeping your animals healthy. Be sure to regularly clean their living quarters, provide fresh bedding, and ensure that their water sources are clean.
  • Proper medical care: It’s important to have a plan in place for routine medical care as well as emergency situations. Find a veterinarian who specializes in livestock and have their contact information readily available.

Remember, taking good care of your livestock not only ensures their health and well-being but also leads to better quality products such as milk, meat, and wool.

Keep detailed records

Keeping detailed records of your activities and observations can help you track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your homestead.

Many of us keep a journal for planting and seed starting, so why not expand this to your homestead overall!

I also keep a separate list for my pantry stockpile which I re-do every year and factor in any changes that may have come up. For example, last year we committed to a greater charcuterie amount than we normally do, so I had to factor that into my planning.

Here are some additional ideas to consider when keeping detailed records for your homestead:

  • Use a notebook or digital tool to record your observations and activities. This will help you stay organized and easily reference your records in the future. I am currently working on a few print outs that can be used to manage different sections of your property.
  • Consider including photos or sketches to document changes over time. This can be particularly helpful when tracking the growth of plants or the development of animals.
  • Include notes about weather patterns, soil conditions, and other environmental factors that may impact your homestead. This information can help you make informed decisions about planting and other activities.
  • Review your records periodically to identify patterns or trends. For example, you may notice that certain crops perform better in certain seasons or that certain animals require more attention during specific times of the year.
  • Use your records to set goals and track progress towards those goals. For example, if you want to increase your vegetable yield by a certain percentage, you can track your progress throughout the season to see if you’re on track to meet your goal.

Just remember to use whichever medium works best for you. If you’re a journaller and like to be able to modify your journal as needed, then maybe a paper journal would work best. If you’re a techie, maybe a digital file across multiple platforms stored in the cloud works best.

Learn to preserve food

Preserving food is an important skill for homesteaders, as it allows you to store food for longer periods of time and reduce waste. Consider learning techniques such as canning, freeze drying, fermenting, and dehydrating to preserve your harvest.

Food security is one of the main topics homesteaders are interested in. It is important to be prepared for potential food shortages and to protect your family (and wallet!) from rising food prices and cost of living expenses.

bowl of pickles

Preserving food not only saves you money but also helps you maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Some ideas to help you get started on your food preservation journey may include:

  • You can use canning to preserve fruits, vegetables, and even meats. There are two main types of canning: water bath canning and pressure canning. Water bath canning is suitable for high-acid foods like tomatoes, while pressure canning is necessary for low-acid foods like meats and vegetables.
  • When canning, make sure to follow a trusted recipe to ensure that your food is safe to eat. Properly sterilizing your jars and lids is also crucial to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Consider investing in a vacuum sealer if you plan on preserving a lot of meat or fish. This method removes all of the air from the packaging, preventing spoilage and freezer burn.
  • Pickling is another great way to preserve vegetables, and it’s easy to do at home. You can experiment with different types of vinegar and spices to create unique flavor combinations.
  • If you’re dehydrating food in the oven, be sure to keep a close eye on it to prevent burning. It’s also a good idea to rotate the trays every so often to ensure even drying.
  • Fermenting is a great way to preserve vegetables and dairy products like yogurt and kefir. Fermented foods are not only delicious but also good for your gut health.
  • Dehydrating is ideal for preserving fruits, vegetables, and herbs. You can use a dehydrator or an oven to remove the moisture from your produce, which makes it last longer and gives it a concentrated flavor.
  • Don’t forget to properly label and store your preserved foods in a cool, dry place. This will help you keep track of what you have and ensure that your food stays fresh for as long as possible.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your preserved foods! You can use them in a variety of recipes, from jams and chutneys to homemade granola and trail mix.

Be flexible

Homesteading is a dynamic and ever-changing process, so it is important to be adaptable and willing to change your plans when necessary.

Sometimes unexpected challenges can arise, such as an animal getting sick or a crop failing due to weather conditions. Being flexible and adaptable allows you to adjust your plans and find alternative solutions to keep your homestead running smoothly.

Flexibility also means being open to new ideas and trying out different methods or techniques. You never know what might work best for your specific homestead, so being willing to experiment can lead to great success.

I am going through this process now. At our other property, a closed off small raised garden was suitable. But for this one, my plans are more of a permaculture design where you can spend time actively outside in the garden, and at the planned fire pit. It all depends on your lcoation, and needs, and it is ok if they change.

It’s important to remember that homesteading is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone’s homestead is unique and will require different strategies and approaches. Being flexible allows you to tailor your homesteading practices to what works best for you and your land.

Lastly, being flexible also means being able to take a step back and reassess your goals and priorities. As your homestead evolves, your needs and aspirations may change as well. Being open to adjusting your plans and goals can help you stay on track and continue to grow and thrive as a homesteader.

Embrace the learning process

Homesteading requires a lot of learning and experimentation. Embrace the learning process and be open to trying new things and making mistakes.

The learning process doesn’t have to be active, but if it is then that is a targeted skill you’ve sought to acquire. I’ve found a lot of the learning process comes from trial and error, and in discussion with people about what they’ve previously done, what has failed and what has worked.

There are several ways that you can accelerate your learning, which will allow you to further embrace this process of homesteading:

  • Join a homesteading community: This is a great way to connect with others who are also learning and experimenting with homesteading. You can share your experiences and learn from theirs.
  • Attend workshops or classes: Look for homesteading workshops or classes in your area. These can be a great way to learn new skills and techniques, and to meet other homesteaders.
  • Keep a journal: Keeping a journal of your homesteading experiences can help you track your progress, reflect on what you’ve learned, and identify areas where you need more practice.
  • Celebrate your successes: When you succeed at something new on the homestead, take a moment to celebrate! This will help you stay motivated and excited about the learning process.

Choose the right tools and equipment

When it comes to working on projects, having the right tools and equipment can make a significant difference in the outcome of your work.

Invest in high-quality tools and equipment that are durable and efficient. This will save you time, money, and energy in the long run.

When it comes to choosing the right tools and equipment for your needs, consider the following:

  • Research the brand and product reviews before making a purchase to ensure you are investing in a high-quality and reliable product.
  • Consider the type of project you will be working on and make sure the tools and equipment you choose are suitable for the job.
  • Don’t compromise on safety. Make sure the tools and equipment you choose are safe to use and meet industry standards.
  • Consider the lifespan of the tools and equipment. Investing in durable and long-lasting products will save you money in the long run as you won’t need to replace them as frequently.

By taking the time to carefully choose the right tools and equipment, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and produce high-quality work.

Learn new skills

Homesteading requires a diverse set of skills, from gardening and animal husbandry to carpentry and plumbing. But you don’t need to be an expert in a single one of them to start homesteading!

I have a master list of 100 essential skills you should know as a homesteader, and if you read through it you’d probably find you have a lot of these skills already!

Learning new skills is an essential part of homesteading, and it can be a lot of fun too! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Look for local classes or workshops that teach homesteading skills. Check with your local community college or agricultural extension office to see what’s available in your area.
  • Online courses and tutorials are also a great way to learn new skills. There are many websites and YouTube channels dedicated to homesteading and self-sufficiency that offer free or low-cost courses.
  • Consider joining a homesteading group or community. These groups often organize workshops and events where members can learn from each other and share their knowledge and experience.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from other homesteaders. Most people in the homesteading community are happy to share their expertise and help newcomers get started.
  • Attend local fairs and farmers markets to meet other homesteaders and learn about new skills or products. These events can be a great way to connect with like-minded people and discover new ideas or resources.
  • Consider volunteering on a local farm or homestead to gain hands-on experience and learn from experienced farmers. This can also be a great way to build relationships within the community.
  • Read books and online resources to expand your knowledge and keep up with the latest trends and techniques in homesteading. Some popular books in the homesteading community include “The Encyclopedia of Country Living” by Carla Emery and “The Backyard Homestead” by Carleen Madigan.
  • Start small and focus on one or two skills at a time. Trying to learn too many things at once can be overwhelming and may lead to burnout. Remember that homesteading is a journey, not a destination, so take your time and enjoy the process.

Remember, learning new skills takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. With persistence and dedication, you’ll soon be a skilled homesteader!

Embrace the homesteading lifestyle

Homesteading requires a certain level of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. Embrace the lifestyle by learning new skills such as cooking from scratch, preserving food, and repairing and repurposing items.

My journey in homesteading always came from something deep inside me, wanting to preserve my family traditions and ways of life. I like to think my homesteading is Australian with a Balkan twist 🙂

Embracing the homesteading lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to start wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, but hey if you choose too then good for you! You do you!

It means you adopt or get comfortable with a certain greater level of self-reliance. Not relying on having access to a supermarket at all hours, or not relying on having fast food restaurants within a 5-minute drive of your property. All of these lead back to themes related to cooking from scratch, meal planning and pantry stockpiling.

Here are some additional tips to help you embrace the homesteading lifestyle further:

  • Start a garden: Growing your own fruits and vegetables is a great way to become more self-sufficient and reduce your reliance on store-bought produce. Start small with a few easy-to-grow plants and work your way up to a larger garden.
  • Learn to sew: Sewing is a valuable skill for homesteaders. You can repair clothing or create new items from scratch, such as curtains or quilts. There are many online tutorials and classes available to help you learn.
  • Reduce waste: Homesteaders often focus on reducing waste and repurposing items. Consider composting food scraps, using cloth napkins instead of paper, and finding creative ways to reuse items that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • Connect with others: Homesteading can be a solitary lifestyle, but it doesn’t have to be. Look for local homesteading groups or online communities to connect with like-minded individuals and share knowledge and resources.

Remember, embracing the homesteading lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. Don’t be afraid to try new things and make mistakes along the way. With time and practice, you can become a skilled and self-sufficient homesteader.

Celebrate your successes

Homesteading can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating journey, but it’s important to celebrate your successes along the way. Take time to appreciate the hard work you’ve put in and the progress you’ve made towards your goals.

Ways that you can actively celebrate your homesteading successes include:

  • Take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come and the obstacles you’ve overcome.
  • Treat yourself to a favorite meal or snack using ingredients you’ve grown or raised on your homestead.
  • Share your accomplishments with friends and family, and let them know how much their support means to you.
  • Take a break from the daily grind and enjoy a day off doing something you love.
  • Use your successes as motivation to tackle the next challenge on your homesteading journey.
  • Use photography, blogging or vlogging to capture the process of something so you can view where you started and where you arrived.

Remember, celebrating your successes is an important part of staying motivated and enjoying the homesteading lifestyle. So take a moment to pat yourself on the back and keep up the great work!

Setting up your homestead for success requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

By creating a solid foundation, establishing clear goals, and investing in the right resources, you can ensure that your homestead thrives and meets your needs for years to come. Don’t be afraid to seek out advice from experts, learn from your mistakes, and adjust your approach as necessary to achieve the best possible outcome.

With hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, you can build the homestead of your dreams and enjoy all the benefits of a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle.

Until next time, Happy Homesteading!

setting up your homestead for success - 20 guaranteed tips to thrive, life on milo's farm
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