Prepsteading basics: an 8-step how-to guide on how you can start

It seems no industry and no sector is currently immune to the economic upheaval that is currently in the world. And as a result, it is mindful to consider how prepared you are. This is going to be worse than the 2020/21 toilet paper fiasco. This post is about those of us who are already prepared, but wouldn’t mind a top-up, or those who are looking at how to be more prepared than what they currently are. I wouldn’t say it’s an entirely beginner’s option, but it doesn’t mean you cannot work towards some of the points listed to get yourself over the line. With the world in current flux that doesn’t seem to be easing anytime soon, now is as good a time as any to have a little bit of planning in place to get through the difficult days.

The Complete Guide to Biochar as a Soil Amendment for Your Garden

If you are starting a garden in your backyard or any open area of land, you should know about soil amendments. Making amendments to the soil is a fantastic way to encourage the growth of crops you choose to grow. Before you jump into using biochar as a soil amendment, you need to know more about it and how it works. To learn more about the benefits of using biochar in the garden, read on.

How to start a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle

Being eco-friendly or living more in tune with nature tends to come part and parcel for homesteaders. Many will have their own vegetable garden or hens for eggs. Or some grow their own farm raised food in meat hens, rabbits, pigs or cows, and others hunt and forage in the wild. whatever the preference, I tend to think and believe that homesteaders as a broader community are probably more eco friendly and eco conscious than others.

3 tips for time management & my homestead schedule

When you live on a homestead and have a full schedule to run, especially a seasonal schedule or one where there are animals involved, time management is one of your best friends. It is especially important if you are still working full-time offsite, or even now due to covid, working from home where you may have meetings or other appointments scheduled throughout the day. To learn about my top 3 time management tips and my current homesteading schedule, read on!