How to start a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle

Being eco-friendly or living more in tune with nature tends to come part and parcel for homesteaders. Many will have their own vegetable garden or hens for eggs. Or some grow their own farm raised food in meat hens, rabbits, pigs or cows, and others hunt and forage in the wild. whatever the preference, I tend to think and believe that homesteaders as a broader community are probably more eco friendly and eco conscious than others.

Square foot gardening mistakes

Are you thinking about starting a square foot garden? Square foot gardening is perfect for those with limited space or are new to gardening and would like to plant many things or get a greater yield from a smaller space. Square foot gardening is incredibly useful for companion planting and management of soil in a smaller space. Learn about some of the square foot gardening mistakes that are made and how to avoid them.

3 tips for time management & my homestead schedule

When you live on a homestead and have a full schedule to run, especially a seasonal schedule or one where there are animals involved, time management is one of your best friends. It is especially important if you are still working full-time offsite, or even now due to covid, working from home where you may have meetings or other appointments scheduled throughout the day. To learn about my top 3 time management tips and my current homesteading schedule, read on!

Natural ways to protect your garden and keep it pest-free

As gardeners become more and more aware of the potential dangers of exposure to synthetic chemical pesticides, many of us want to skip the sprays altogether and turn to alternative methods instead. There are a few simple ways to keep on top of managing your garden and ensuring you are providing the best maintenance you can without having to resort to harsh chemicals. In this post, I list some of the ways you can incorporate different activities to maintain your garden and keep it disease and pest free for longer!